Why foods for moods?




I have yet to meet anyone who says they don’t have enough of these things. I do, however, know quite a few people who would like to reduce them. To take control of these things, you need to first understand that they are - at least to some extent - within your control.

These things aren’t just coincidental happenings that come and find us. It’s not some kind of magic trick that some people weather stress better, or some people suffer from anxiety in greater waves. It’s not based on luck.

If we can take medications to reduce depression or anxiety, why can we not find similar benefits in foods? In many cases, mood improves not by adding a medication, but by reducing what’s bad for us.

Sure, food and diet might not be as abruptly powerful as many medications, perhaps not so overpowering, and often not something that will throw a person’s system strongly in any one direction, but finding a diet that supports mental health and emotional stability is one of many gentle, guiding nudges toward a happy life.

That’s why.